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How To Choose The Best Driving School In WA


The Keys2drive will discontinue on 31 March 2023.

You want to learn to drive, and you want the finest instructor there is: because this is where the best driving school is, because the teachers make the schools.

There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for the leading driving school based in Western Australia.

Take into account that a large company doesn’t always mean the greatest. If you are a student or parent of a student looking for a first-rate driving instructor in WA, consider the arguments below.

Keys2drive Lessons

Keys2drive is a government-funded program offering free lessons to young people looking to learn to drive. First-time students should check if driving school instructors are accredited and qualified by the Australian transport authorities and listed on the Key2drive website. These instructors will certainly make the best driving schools available.

Note: Lisa at Dovetail Driving is fully accredited to do so.

driving school WA

Helpful Instructors Make The Best Driving Schools


You won’t get everything right the first time you learn to drive. Therefore, having a sympathetic and understanding instructor is crucial for your development. Hence, the most important attributes that every driving instructor should have is undoubtedly empathy and patience. He must comprehend that every learner is unique and different people have varying levels of driving ability. An empathetic teacher makes the driving school better.


Also, you want an instructor with experience who assists other students in obtaining their licence. This shows that the instructor fully understands that different students have different needs and can adapt to your style.

The experience of the driving instructor comes in very handy when dealing with students who are already driving, but their skills are different because they got their driver’s licence outside of Australia.

The experience, next to empathy, guarantees that you have found one of the best driving schools in Perth.

Communication Skills

Your driving teacher needs to be a superb communicator to ensure you understand what you’re doing and how well you’re doing it. Even if expertise is valuable, having that driving knowledge is only helpful if they can clearly express it to you. Your instructor needs to be able to convey this to you without being overly harsh, especially in situations where criticism can be negative. Do you want the best driving school? Then find an excellent communicator to teach you.

Lisa Archer, a nurse and mother of four adult sons, has all the social skills and qualities. She also possesses a lovely sense of humour, making your lessons even more fun.

Flexibility – A Part Of The Best Driving School

It can be hard to fit lessons around your everyday life, especially if you attend a school or keep a regular job; hence, you must work around your responsibilities. So making sure that the driving program you opt for will allow you to be flexible with the hours you can choose. Lisa of Dovetail Driving School understands this perfectly as she raised four children.

The Best Driving School Offers Value For Money

You should always ensure you get the best cost value when paying for a service. This could include the time you get in return for your payment or the quality of the service. Either way, ensure that the amount matches up to what you will get in return. Dovetail Driving lessons are the most competitive in the driving school WA market.

Long Driving Lesson

Driving lessons can be more helpful if they are longer, so you should look for lessons of about an hour at a time to make sure you get the best from each session. You know that Lisa offers 60-minute lessons and when requested 90-minute lessons.

Single Hours Lessons Or Packages To Choose

Some instructors offer deals and incentives, so check whether the driving school in WA has packages you could opt for. You may also need single hours or extra lessons, so check if these are available, too. Dovetail Driving offers both, and our packages have desirable discounts.

Availability To Pick Up And Drop Off At A Desired Place

It’s a great relief for a Western Australian student if a driving school instructor makes it possible to pick you up and drop you off at your chosen location at the end of the lesson. It is worth checking that this is an option. Lisa knows the hurdles of WA transport and hence goes that extra mile (or kilometre 😊) to accommodate those needs.

Car hire and mock test

When you reach the end of your driving lessons, you will need a car to use for your test. It is also beneficial to complete mock tests, so you should confirm with any potential driving school in WA that they are happy to run these sessions. At Dovetail Driving School, we are delighted to offer PDA car hire only or a package PDA and a one-hour practice/mock test before the Practical Driving Assessment.

Dovetail Driving is one of the best driving schools in WA. Call Lisa for availability and bookings.

More of Behind the Wheel with Lisa